The beginning of good works is the confession of evil works.
— — St. Augustine

Novus Ordo (New Rite) Preparation Instructions from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

Reflect on your life since your last confession.

How have you—in your thoughts, words, and actions—

  • neglected to live Christ’s commands to “love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and to “love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mt 22:37, 39)?

  • broken or disregarded the Ten Commandments,

    First Commandment: Have You doubted in matters of faith? Murmured against God at your adversity or at the prosperity of others? Despaired of His mercy? Believed in fortune-tellers, superstition, astrology, or the occult, or consulted them? Gone to places of worship belonging to other denominations? Not recommended yourself daily to God?

    Second Commandment: Taken the name of God in vain? Spoken irreverently of holy things, or profaned anything relating to religion? Sworn falsely, rashly, or in slight and trivial matters? Cursed yourself, or others, or any creature? Angered others so far as to make them swear, or blaspheme God?

    Third Commandment: Have you kept holy the Lord's Day, and all other days commanded to be kept holy?- Bought or sold things, not of necessity, on that day? Done of commanded some servile work not of necessity? Missed Mass or been willfully distracted during Mass? Talked, gazed, or laughed in church?- Profaned the day by dancing, drinking, gambling, etc?

    Fourth Commandment: Have you honored your parents, superiors, masters, according to your just duty? Deceived them, disobeyed them? Failed in due reverence to aged persons?

    Fifth Commandment: Procured, desired, or hastened the death of anyone? Borne hatred; oppressed anyone; desired revenge; not forgiven; refused to speak to others; used provoking language; threatened of struck others not under your charge; made others fall out?

    Sixth & Ninth Commandments: Have you been guilty of lascivious dressing or make-up; lewd company; have you read immodest books or viewed pornographic materials; been guilty of unchaste discourses, words, looks, or actions with yourself or others? Willfully entertained impure thoughts or desires?
    Seventh Commandment: Stealing; deceit in gaming, reckoning, buying or selling, in wares, prices, weights or measures; bought of such as could not sell; willfully damaged another man's goods, or negligently spoiled them; run into debt care-lessly, beyond your power of payment?

    Eigth Commandment: Borne false witness, called injurious names; revealed another's sins; flattered yourself or others; opened the letters of others; judged rashly; falsely suspected?

    Ninth Commandment: Coveted unjustly anything that belongs to another?
    [ see: Ex 20:2-17; Dt 5:6-21; Mt 5:3-10;
    or Lk 6:20-26 ].

  • failed to perform with true charity Corporal Works of Mercy, and/or Spiritual Works of Mercy,

    Corporal Works:
    Feed the Hungry
    Give Drink to the Thirsty
    Shelter the Homeless
    Visit the Sick
    Visit the Prisoners
    Bury the Dead
    Give Alms to the Poor

    Spiritual Works:
    Counsel the Doubtful
    Instruct the Ignorant
    Admonish the Sinner
    Comfort the Sorrowful
    Forgive Injuries
    Bear Wrongs Patiently
    Pray for the Living and the Dead

  • or ignored or fallen short of any of the ideals taught in the Catechism of the Catholic Church?


For the most meaningful confession, the penitent is reminded that the priest, while performing this sacrament, is acting in persona cristi. In other words, the penitent is confessing his sins not merely to a man, but directly to the Lord Jesus Christ acting in and through the physicality of the priest.