Penance & Prayers After Confession
If penance includes specific prayers, include them here.
While the Novus Ordo does not officially prescribe prayers after Confession, it is strongly recommended that for the full depth of the repentance experience and Sacrament of Confession, the penitent should spend time in Adoration, silent contemplation of his/her sins and penance, and further, conclude with the following humble prayer:
ALMIGHTY and most merciful God, Who, according to the multitude of Thy tender mercies, hast vouchsafed once more to receive Thy prodigal child after so many times going astray from Thee, and to admit me to this Sacrament of reconciliation; I give Thee thanks with all the powers of my soul for this and all other mercies, graces, and blessings bestowed on me, and prostrating myself at Thy sacred feet, I offer myself to be henceforth for ever Thine.
Oh, let nothing in life or death ever separate me from Thee! I renounce with my whole soul all my treasons against Thee, and all the abominations and sins of my past life. I renew my promises made in baptism, and from this moment I dedicate myself eternally to Thy love and service. Oh, grant that for the time to come, I may abhor sin more than death itself, and avoid all such occasions and companions as have unhappily brought me to it. This I resolve to do by the aid of Thy divine grace, without which I can do nothing.
I beg Thy blessing upon these my resolutions, that they may not be ineffectual like so many others I have formerly made, for, O Lord, without Thee I am nothing but misery and sin. Supply also, by Thy mercy, whatever defects have been in this my confession, and give me grace to be now and always a true penitent. Through the same Jesus Christ Thy Son.
Make the Sign of the Cross and say:
“In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Go in peace and sin no more.
For further study of Psalm 51, click HERE.